
Posts Tagged ‘magick music’

Hey everyone who reads my blog! I’ve got exciting news to share with you… After years of songwriting, trance chanting, child lullabying, melody dreaming and noise making I am finally part of a band with my two friends JJ and Tulie (Lindsey)!

We are Moon Folk.  (<<<Facebook page)

And we are beginning to post up YouTube Videos, too! We’ve started to put up chants first and when we get through all of those we will post up our songs, too.

Here is one:

(I’m the one wearing white).

I’ve been so busy rerecording my songs to send to people I know, getting band practices going (still hoping to find someone who knows how to play an instrument other then the drum), finding hidden beach side drum circles, chasing my kiddies around, wading in cold streams and meditating the summer away in my hammock that I’m losing track of the days. I hope you all are having a blessed summer, too!

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