
Posts Tagged ‘Tarot spreads’








For my Full Moon tarot reading I felt the urge to use two decks at the same time. I took turns drawing a card for each deck at  each placement spot and the results were spectacular. In a ten card spread, the 8 of Pentacles from both decks popped up in the reading. A card could not appear twice in a reading using one deck, unless you replace the card every time…hey, maybe I will try that next.

While I am at it, I thought I would share the decks I currently use…

The Halloween Tarot is exactly what it sounds like… all the pictures look like they take place around Halloween time. The suits are: Ghosts (water/cups), Pumpkins (earth/pentacles), Imps (fire/wands) and Bats (air/swords). Each image is brightly colored in mostly blacks, oranges, greens and purples with playful scenes of trick or treating, haunted mansions and night-fright scenes. The book that comes with the cards does a good-enough job in translating the card meanings, but I mostly use the deck for the fun and spooky cards. This deck has responded very well to my energy and likes to be used for general readings.

The Medicine Woman Tarot Deck has one of the most spiritual and profound books that I have ever read. I found this book at a used book store a while back and it didn’t have the cards with it, but the book alone was insightful to read. The focus of the text is about opening and awakening your spiritual path and has a native american theme. I finally purchased the deck (originally made in 1990). The suits are: Stones (earth), Pipes (fire), Arrows (air) and Bowls (water). The images are hand-drawn in ink and look to be colored in with water color. I use this deck for readings that coincide to deep spirituality (so, most of the time I use this deck 🙂 )

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